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Что такое профсоюз в Америке

Labor unions in the United States, also known as trade unions, are a group of organizations that represent workers from various industries and the service sector. These unions have been officially recognized since the adoption of the National Labor Relations Act during the New Deal era.

But what exactly is a trade union? Simply put, it is a voluntary organization formed by individuals who share common professional and production-related interests. The primary goal of such an organization is to represent and protect the social and labor rights and interests of its members.

So why should one join a trade union? By joining such an organization, workers can unite to protect their labor rights, strive for better working conditions and fair wages, and support each other in difficult times. In addition, trade unions offer various socio-economic norms and benefits provided for in the collective bargaining agreement, such as free legal assistance for questions relating to employment, transfers, dismissals, working hours, safety, and compensation.

The union is an organization that represents the collective interest of employees in a particular enterprise. Its creation is based on the principles of civil society, with the aim of protecting the rights and interests of all its members. Overall, joining a trade or labor union is a way for workers to ensure their voices are heard and to have the support they need to fight for their rights.

To make wise choices when selecting a union to join, workers need to research potential unions in their areas, consult with colleagues in their fields, read collective bargaining agreements and various reviews. However, unions are not the best option for everyone and each individual should research and make an informed decision before becoming a union member.

In conclusion, trade unions in the United States have a long and respected history of fighting for labor rights and benefits. They provide a vital form of support for workers and serve as a means of pushing for systemic change within the labor market. Joining a trade union is a personal choice that should be carefully considered and researched, but can be immensely beneficial for those seeking to improve their working conditions and fight for their rights.
