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Для чего делают ингаляции с Флуимуцилом

Inhalation therapy with Fluimucil is used to treat respiratory diseases accompanied by the formation of highly viscous mucus such as acute and chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchiectasis, cystic fibrosis, and bronchial asthma. Fluimucil works by breaking down disulfide bonds in acidic mucopolysaccharides found in mucus, which leads to depolymerization of mucoproteins and a decrease in mucus viscosity. It remains effective in the presence of purulent sputum.

If you are wondering how long you should undergo inhalation therapy with Fluimucil, the duration of treatment is typically 15-20 minutes, repeated 2-4 times a day. If treating acute conditions, therapy should last an average of 5-10 days, while chronic conditions may require up to 6 months of treatment.

Adults can undergo up to 4 inhalations a day using 5 ml of the solution concentrate. While for children aged 2-6 years, it is advisable to use 2 ml of the solution up to twice per day.

If you want to know how to properly use Fluimucil for inhalation therapy, adults can administer 250mg 1-2 times a day, while children should be given 125mg 1-2 times a day. For endotracheal use through a bronchoscope, intubation tube, or tracheostomy, the recommended dose for adults is 1-2 ml (dissolved in 4 ml of water for injections) containing 500 mg of the dry substance, while children should receive 1-2 ml (dissolved in 2 ml of sterile saline) containing 250 mg of the dry substance.

To sum up, Fluimucil remains a valuable treatment option in the management of respiratory diseases associated with highly viscous mucus. It works by depolymerizing mucoproteins in mucus, breaking down the disulfide bonds in acidic mucopolysaccharides, and reducing mucus viscosity. It is essential to follow the recommended dosages for inhalation and endotracheal use. If you are in doubt, consult your healthcare provider before using Fluimucil.
